Global youth culture is the transdisciplinary category by the which theorists and policy analysis attempt to understand the emergence of the comlex form of hybrid culture and identity That increasingly occur amongst youth throughout the world due to the proliferation of media like film, television, popular music, the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their everyday lives.
In this era of globalization is a lot of things that appear in the community. Many goods thing that are used to facilitate sophisticated to expeditr relationship and (tersampainya) information. The effect of the influence it has become easy - foreign influence comes in, and worldwide. Consciously or unconsciously all our behavior is influenced by what we see and hear.
For example, a high school kid who likes to film korea every appearance they resemble the behavior they want Korean artists. Also in terms of music. A lot of friends here who have a favorite music. Many schools of music is jazz, pop, rock and others. Consciously or not, music can affect our emotional patterns themselves.
When you listen to music, if you listen to music at all, do you really pay attention to the lyrics of the song? Do you understand the words of the artists? Do you notice the context in the which the words are used? Most people do not. Music is one of the most common forms of self-expression today. However, the downside to this form of communication is that? most people do not even know what They are listening to or that the effect it has on them.
Indonesia is a country that can not be separated from the globlisasi affected. A variety of positive and negative terms. It would be wise if we can absorb it - the positive things that we can use to improve themselves menjai better, and get rid of the negative things that do not fit with the personality of our nation that we can release the eastern culture.
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