Do you still remember about your childhood?
Childhood filled with happiness.
Surely you have a favorite toy as a child.
Boys and girls have different kinds of toys.
Boys prefer toy cars or robots, while girls prefer dolls.
Well, at first glance since childhood, I was a girl also very happy to play with dolls.
Maybe you (girls) also love this doll with the name Barbie doll.
Yes, Barbie is a toy that became an idol for young girls.
From there we found a lot of ads as well as the film tells the story of the beautiful Barbie is getting true love.
As a child, or even up to now we have the assumption that the beautiful woman who like Barbie.
That has beautiful white skin, eyes tapering, slim body, high and use the beautiful clothes.

When still childhood certain in our hearts want to be like Barbie, beautiful and one day will be met with a handsome prince and will stay in palace.
That assumption is shaped by the media that we enjoy, they cultivate beautiful images as they wish.
So that beautiful image is still ingrained in our minds that it's beautiful with beautiful white skin, eyes tapering, slim body, high and use the beautiful clothes.
Presented through video,, Here friends could see, how beautiful Barbie figure could zap girl becomes obsessed with being beautiful like Barbie
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After watching the video, what comes to your mind friends?
We must realize that it's not real pretty on the smoothness of her face and not located on her beautiful body, but pure beauty (real), reflected in her soul, who loving attention and love she gave, and beauty that will grow over time.
Beauty does not have to always have beautiful white skin, eyes tapering, slim body, high and use the beautiful clothes.
In this world nothing is perfect, our obligation to be grateful and keep the grace given by God.
That effect is caused by the media, which can change our perspective on something that we must be careful and be more wise in judging things.
i love Barbie, and I have barbie :)
ya, maybe we ever thought that Barbie is perfect, girl has to as beautiful as Barbie, but that is wrong,,
we should be aware that every women are beautiful, whatever the conditions are,,
yayayaya.....barbie is beautiful doll. for people especially for women, in my opinion beautiful not just skin , face but like many people said that is dari (inner beauty) nya.
you're beautiful...beautiful..beautiful...
kamu cantik...cantik,...dari hatimu...=)
Barbie yg baik selalu cantik dan disukai pangeran...
ambil sisi positive nya aja sebagai motivasi jadi orang baik...
Good Job!!
bsgus sekali bux....
Bukan hanya kalian saja kaum wanita yang punya tokoh idola di masa kecil, saya juga punya jagoan "Gabumon" salah satu tokoh monster utama dalam acara televisi "Digimon" yg tayang setiap hari minggu!!
Media sudah memanipulasi pikiran dan persepsi kita :)